Corporate Responsibility 2023
Our CSR actions in 2023
2023 was a highly productive year for ERDIL and our CSR committee! Many actions were led, some of them new, some of them renewed. Our commitment was rewarded by two prizes: the 2023 Trophée RSE Bourgogne – Franche-Comté for the “Social Innovation and Quality of Life at Work” aspect as well as the “HR Best Practices” prize which was awarded by the association Halte Discriminations.
Formalisation of ERDIL’s CSR policy
In addition to our adherence to the UN Global Compact and our yearly publication of COPs (in French), we were willing to further continue the formalisation of our CSR commitment as well as our different actions. This resulted in the edition of an official document: “Our CSR policy”, which covers 11 topics:
- Conditions of work
- Career and professional training management
- Collaborators’ health and safety
- Information security
- Diversity, equity and inclusiveness
- Impact on communities, local development, social and charity actions
- Promotion of CSR among all actors
- Waste management
- Power consumption and greenhouse gas emissions
- Environmental and biodiversity protection
- Efforts against corruption
Participation to the workgroup “TEMIS Mobilités”
ERDIL also actively took part to the workgroup “TEMIS Mobilités” which aims to improve traffic and to promote sustainable mobility in the Besançon district of TEMIS, home of our company. 2023 ushered in the initiative’s discussion phase, led by the Grand Besançon Métropole urban community and SEDIA, while 2024 and the following years will see the initiative take shape.
During this first phase:
- All ERDIL collaborators were able to answer to the first survey, whose topics were the different means of transportation, mobility patterns and habits.
- A CSR committee member and a ERDIL collaborator notably took part to the various study groups
Cross-company communication and organisation of the second instalment of the TEMIS Propre afternoon event
Following the first instalment, in June 2022, of the TEMIS Propre event, ERDIL and three neighbouring TEMIS-based companies (Breitling, Cryla and Sophysa) decided to keep on discussing CSR-related topics.
A first discussion session took place in February 2023 and featured a presentation of the actions and operational elements that had been implemented by our CSR committee. Later discussions then allowed to mutualise the other companies’ best practices. This session also allowed us to share the TEMIS Propre event’s organisation specifics to Breitling, which would organise the second instalment of the event in June 2023.
Organisation of the RSE’RDIL event
Our CSR committee also organised a special event: the RSE’RDIL day, which featured two highlights:
- Involve the ERDIL team in an individual car-free day, whose goal was to promote the use of sustainable mobility, public transportation or carsharing. A successful event as nearly all collaborators joined in!
- A morning event dedicated to raising awareness about what CSR encompasses, which was led by the ERDIL CSR committee and a guest specialist consultant.
Introduction of the Sustainable Mobility Package
The Sustainable Mobility Package was implemented subsequent to the RSE’RDIL day. The amount of days whose commute involved sustainable mobility can be converted into a monthly individual bonus. In addition to this bonus comes the ability to deduct parts of sustainable mobility-related expenses (purchase/repairs/maintenance of a bicycle or bicycle accessories)
GDPR and personal data protection awareness-raising actions aimed at local economic actors
As part of our skills and knowledge sharing plan, the ERDIL Chief Technology Officer led a presentation on the topic of GDPR and personal data protection before an audience of about 20 entrepreneurs and local association actors.
Quarterly meetings of certified first-aiders in the workplace
ERDIL grants its collaborators the ability to take part to health and safety at work training courses in order to obtain the French first-aider in the workplace certification.
In July, the certified first-aiders at work agreed to the planning of quarterly meetings covering these topics. Several actions originated from these first meetings, including:
• review and easier access to the first aid kit for all collaborators
• the organisation of small-scale awareness events offering non-first aiders the opportunity to get acquainted with life-saving procedures.
Raising awareness about harassment and sexist violence
As part of our “Diversity, equity and inclusiveness” policy and following the update of our rules of procedure, all ERDIL collaborators were able to attend a presentation led by the ERDIL collaborator in charge of harassment prevention and which covered the various forms of harassment and sexist and sexual violence.
Two information posters were thus designed and are now visible by all collaborators in the workplace.
Donations to humanitarian organisations and initiatives
In February, ERDIL collaborators took part to a collection of essential supplies and clothing for the victims of the earthquake which hit Turkey and Syria.
We also maintained our commitment towards the associations which we previously had supported in 2022:
• FSA, through the organisation of two care and hygiene supplies collections in March and October
• ADDSEA and its initiative La Récup’ à Besac, through the collection of games, toys, books and stuffed toys in November.
ERDIL donation policy and sponsorship in 2023
In 2023, ERDIL continued to support the following associations and initiatives:
• Gwendoline Matos, goalball parathlete (article in French)
• The association “Unbroken” which acts for the war-affected Ukrainians
• The foundations publishing open-source softwares : The Document Foundation, the Mozilla Foundation and the Wikimedia Foundation.
We also chose to support financially the association “Les Josettes Bisontines” which acts for students in need and for which we previously had organised a collection in 2021.
Sports events: Ekiden and Boucles Roses
As in 2022, several ERDIL collaborators took part in teams to the Ekiden (as part of the Besançon initiative Grandes Heures Natures which aims to promote the city and its surrounding area’s various sport activities) and to the Boucles Roses hike (as part of the Breast Cancer Awareness Month). Two events which once again turned out to be very successful!