2025 All4Customer Paris salon

Manage Voice of the Customer like a duck taking to water


From 1 to 3 April 2025


Paris – Porte de Versailles
Stand G65

ERDIL will be present at the 2025 All4Customer Paris salon (formerly the Stratégie Clients salon)!
It will be our pleasure to see you at our stand G65 and during our conference, which will be held on Tuesday 1st April from 10 am to 10:45 am in Masterclass room 6. Our conference will feature the testimonial of Karine Boudia, Experience & Customer Journey Director at SUEZ Eau France.

Manage Voice of the Customer like a duck taking to water

During this conference, you will find out how SUEZ Eau France steers the Voice of the Customer, from the Executive Commitee to the regions

You will also hear how the verbatim can speak for the scores and quantitative indicators and discover all the value they can bring to your business when used efficiently.

Finally, we will share some best practices and use cases for identifying weak signals and initiating continuous improvement plans in your own company.